Facility Information
Sports Facilities
RRC Court Schedule: https://indd.adobe.com/view/bdecc842-86e6-4dcf-83c1-902c6b32ed20
RRC Open Ice Skating Schedule: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGU9xgkqxY/VO5LONNWmfIBn5Vrf2LQUA/view?utm_content=DAGU9xgkqxY&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=uniquelinks&utlId=h4bd6eb4d71
Indoor Sports Field House
The 22,000-square foot Rough Rider Center Field House is equipped with three full size volleyball or basketball courts. Each court can be separated by ceiling mounted, retractable curtains. The field house is also equipped with (2) coin operated batting cages. If you’re wanting to plan an indoor soccer tournament or football game, the field house is equipped with removable, artificial turf. This space can be utilized for sports practices, games or tournaments, expos, job fairs, etc.
Features Include:
- 3 Basketball/Volleyball Courts
- Removable artificial turf
- Trade Show Space
- Carnivals
- Physical Fitness Programs
- Walking Track
Sports Arena
The 22,000-square foot Arena is equipped with three full size volleyball or basketball courts. Each court can be separated by ceiling mounted, retractable curtains. This space can be utilized for sports practices, games or tournaments, expos, job fairs, etc.
Features Include:
- 3 Basketball/Volleyball Courts
- Large Removable Wood Court
- Concerts and Events
- Park and Recreation Activities
- Walking Track
Opportunities and Benefits:
- Concerts
- Adult Volleyball
- Adult Basketball
- Little Wolves Basketball
- Park and Rec Activities
- Wolves Athletic Teams
- Walking Track
- Trade Shows
- Sports Tournaments
Hockey Arena
The Rough Rider Center houses two NHL regulation size hockey rinks. The main rink, Hansen Rink, and our community rink holds ice during skating season months and can be utilized for roller skating during the off season. The Hansen Rink can host over 800 people in an arena type seating while the Community Rink can host around 150 in its bleacher style, ground level seating. The rinks are home to the Watford City Oilers. For more information visit www.wcoilers.com.
Features Include:
- Main Ice Rink
- Community Ice Rink
- Park and Rec Activities
- Community Events
- Youth Hockey
- Figure Skating
- Adult Hockey
- General Admission - Open Skate
- Wolves Athletic Teams
- Ice Skating Lessons
- Curling
- Tournaments
- Hockey Camps
Gymnastics Gym
The Rough Rider Center is home to a large gymnastics area managed by Badlands Edge. For more information visit www.badlandsgymnastics.com or email at badlandsgymnasticclub@gmail.com
Features Include:
- Foam Pit
- Recreational gymnastics classes